First Post!

This is the first of hopefully many devlog posts. I feel I have implemented enough features in this game that I need to finish it.

I wouldn't call this version of the game playable yet, but here are the implemented features:

  • Basic movement of player and creeps
  • Basic enemy behavior (might improve)
  • Damage shaders
  • Damage sound effects
  • Music (may change)
  • Equipment drops
  • Player animation
  • Coin drops
  • Creation of equipment ui


  • Save system
  • upgrades in-between runs
  • 'glyphs'
  • equipment queue
  • multiple levels?
  • wave design
  • boss design
  • actual map appearance
  • weapons, animations and effects


rogue_waves.exe 80 MB
4 days ago

Get Rogue Waves

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